
120g self-raising flour with a pinch of salt

30g caster sugar

1 egg

¼ pint of milk (145ml)

8 slices of black pudding

450g (1lbs) mushrooms (if wild clean first)

Vegetable oil

1 teaspoon fresh thyme

1 dessertspoon of fresh parsley

¼ teaspoon fresh fine chopped rosemary

1 onion

1 teaspoon white wine vinegar

100ml white wine

50g butter

Salt and pepper




Angus farmers market

1. Make the pancake mixing by mixing egg into milk then slowly incorporate and whisk with self-raising flour, sugar and pinch of salt in a mixing bowl. Leave the mix to rest for at least 10 minutes.

2. To make pancakes heat a frying pan to a medium heat add a spoon of vegetable oil then tip the oil out as the pan only needs a light coating. Spoon a tablespoon of mixture into the pan. Don’t do more than 2 at once as the pan will become too cool and the pancakes with stick. Once bubbles start appearing and the pancakes are rising ‘flip’ them over for 30 seconds then remove from the pan and place stacked under a clean tea towel to keep warm. Repeat the process until you have a good pile of pancakes! Alternatively buy pancakes and omit these first 2 steps!

3. Fine chop all herbs, slice mushrooms and peel and slice the onion. Heat the oven to 190 degrees centigrade

4. To correctly fry mushrooms heat some vegetable oil in a frying pan until it is very hot, place the mushrooms in the pan (do not overcrowd them as they will boil instead of fry). Place mushrooms in the pan but do not move or flip them until they have caramelised – this prevents them loosing all their water and steaming in their own juices giving us soggy mushrooms!

5. When mushrooms are caramelised, toss them, add the butter and continue to cook for 5 minutes until browned. At the same time place the 8 slices of black pudding on a non-stick baking tray and cook them in the oven.

7. Add the sliced onion to the mushroom to quickly fry, also add the herbs (reserving a small amount of the parsley for garnish)

8. Add the white wine vinegar and white wine to the pan and turn the heat to medium until wine is reduced and the mushrooms have a lovely glaze. Check seasoning.

9. On warm plates place 2 pancakes, top them with 2 slices of black pudding and spoon the mushrooms attractively over the top. Garnish with a little parsley and then eat!