  • 200g Traditional Irish White Pudding –roughly chopped
  • 8 Large Free Range Eggs
  • 400g Mushrooms – Mixed (Button, Paris Browns)
  • Rapeseed Oil
  • 50g Butter
  • 50ml Cream
  • Salt and Pepper



By Gourmanaize


Preheat oven to 180°C. On a medium heat place the Traditional Irish White Pudding in to a non-stick frying pan with a deep base, cook to colour and warmed through, remove and set aside for later.

Turn up the heat on the pan add a splash of rapeseed oil, add butter, then add the chopped mixed mushrooms and cook golden brown.

Remove the mushrooms from the pan and set aside with the White Pudding.

Crack the eggs into a large bowl and whisk with the cream, season with salt and pepper.

Mix the cooked White pudding and mushrooms in the egg mixture to coat. Mix well

Place the frittata mixture into a 20cm pan and with a spatula move the mixture away from the bottom until it starts to set, transfer to the preheated oven for 10-15 minutes to cook through.

Run a spatula around the sides to ensure your frittata will turn out. Portion and serve with a leafy salad.